Learning project: post 4
Well I’m in the homestretch now, most of the work over the past few weeks has just been figuring out how to use colors correctly as I’m not very well-versed in that me being mostly a sketch artist before this project. A lot of the colors used in the image down below were a combination of theory crafting what would look best stand out and going off of the reference images given to me. I’m glad I got the sketches right the first time around because inking took a lot more time than I expected. All that’s left to look forward to is getting down some textural details such as blurring certain colors, refining what’s already there, and adding things like signatures and character names in text. I have to say this is probably the most in-depth piece of art I’ve ever gone through making and I’m really proud of myself for once, thank you all who have read these as they’ve been produced. I’ll make sure to post the final piece in my gallery once everything is finished.